2017 Eclipse - Illinois Archeology Awareness Month Poster
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Standing in the Shadow of the Moon - In August 2017, Illinois experienced a dramatic celestial event in the form of a total eclipse of the sun, an extraordinary event in which day turns into night for a short period of time as the sun disappears and the moon and stars emerge.
Wheels Within Wheels: The Millstone Bluff Site Cosmogram
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The poster "Wheels Within Wheels: The Millstone Bluff Site Cosmogram" was presented by Mark Wagner (SIUC) and Mary McCorvie (SNF) at the 2007 ESRARA Meetings. We argue in the poster that the petroglyph images at the Millstone Bluff site, a bluff top Mississippian (AD 1250-1450) village located on a steep bluff top in southern Illinois, represent a planned ritual landscape that, when viewed as a whole, comprise a cosmogram expressing Mississippian religious beliefs on the landscape.
A Predictive Model of Rock Art Sites in Wisconsin's Driftless Area: Preliminary Results
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Allison Lange Mueller and Kevin J. Mueller of Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group (CCRG) presented the following poster entitled "A Predictive Model of Rock Art Sites in Wisconsin's Driftless Area: Preliminary Results" at the Midwestern Archaeological Conference (MAC) annual meetings in East Lansing, Michigan on October 19, 2012. This study used statistical methods to predict the location of both low and high probability areas for the presence of rock art sites in the southwest corner of Wisconsin known as the Driftless region. This study not only has great potential to Wisconsin rock art studies but has application to Illinois as well where the Driftless region forms the northwestern corner of the state. In contrast to Wisconsin, not a single rock art site has been recorded in the Illinois Driftless region, which is one of the most undersurveyed areas of the state in regard to rock art. As such, Allison and David's work, along with the earlier work of David Lowe (1996:39-46) in Wisconsin, fills a significant gap of our knowledge regarding a physical area (the Driftless region) that has one of the highest potentials for containing prehistoric rock art sites in both Wisconsin and Illinois.
Missouri Rock Art
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The theme of this year's Annual Archaeology Awareness Month in Missouri was "Missouri Rock Art". The poster by the Missouri Archaeological Society presents information in a visual format on
both front and back of the types of rock art images and motifs found in Missouri. The information presented in the poster is drawn from "The Petroglyphs and Pictographs of Missouri" by Carol Diaz-Granados and James R. Duncan, University of Alabama Press, 2000. Artist Geri Schrab created the central watercolor image found on the front of the poster.